The gain or loss on sale of the long-lived asset. 在拍卖中长命的资产增益或损失。
Thyroid disease can manifest itself in dry, brittle hair, brittle nails, and weight gain or loss. 头发干枯易断、指甲易断、体重骤增或骤减可能是甲状腺疾病的征兆。
M~ 2-factor of partially coherent flat-top beams propagating in gain or loss media 部分相干平顶光束在增益或损耗介质中传输的M~2因子
Notice that no gain or loss is recognized on treasury stock transactions, even when the shares are reissued at a price above or below cost. 需注意,不管再发行价格高于或低于成本,库藏股业务的确认既不盈利也不亏损。
A speculative risk has the potential for gain or loss. 投机的风险却存在着潜在的获利或受损的可能。
The presentation of the net amount of any gain or loss produced by any non-routine activity minus the expenses is not an offset. 非日常活动产生的损益,以收入扣减费用后的净额列示,不属于抵销。
Exceptional gain or loss arising from sales of investment 投资交易产生的非常损益
PDOC shall not be liable and responsible for any foreign exchange gain or loss incurred by the Vendor. PDOC不将对任何的外币交易增益或被厂商招致的损失是有义务的和有责任的。
One who has achieved a state of perfect spiritual enlightenment in accordance with the teachings of Buddha. He ignored all questions of personal gain or loss, honour or disgrace. He simply gave no thought to himself. 佛依据佛的教诲而达到完美的精神开悟境界的人毫无个人荣辱得失的考虑,真正达到了忘我的境界。
Depression, or the treatment of depression, can sometimes cause a weight gain or loss. 抑郁症或抑郁症治疗期间,有时可引起体重增加或减轻。
Simply deal with matters with wisdom and treat people with compassion, without worrying about personal gain or loss. Then we'll never be plagued by vexations. 面对许多的情况,只管用智能处理事,以慈悲对待人,而不担心自己的利害得失,就不会有烦恼了。
The gain or loss from the sale of the business must be divided among the partners in the agreed profit and loss sharing ratio before any cash is distributed to them. 在分配现金之前,出售企业的损益必须在合伙人之间以协议的损益分配比率进行分配。
In giving and receiving, how do we measure gain or loss? 在付出与接收之间,又如何衡量我们是得到,还是失去?
Walk in, or gain or loss! 行走在岁月中,或得或失!
Exchange risk is simple in concept: a potential gain or loss that occurs as a result of an exchange rate change. 外汇风险是个简单的概念:一个潜在的收益或亏损的发生是由于汇率的变化。
Unmoved either by gain or loss, watching the courthouse blossom; stay or not, diffuse with sky. 无论是收益或亏损不为所动,看法院开花;留或不,弥漫天空。
The level at some particular point is the gain or loss of power, expressed in decibels ( dB) between that point and some arbitrary reference point. 某一特定点的电平是指该点和某一任意参考点之间的功率增益或损耗,用分贝表示。
The gain or loss of the hedged item resulting from the hedged risk shall be recorded in the profits and losses of the current period and the book value of the hedged item shall be adjusted at the same time. 被套期项目因被套期风险形成的利得或损失应当计入当期损益,同时调整被套期项目的账面价值。
Most of them faced up to the hardships of pioneering without thought of personal gain or loss. 他们大多数人不计个人得失,不畏创业的艰辛。
In the above calculation, the book value of investments sold can be obtained from the balance sheet, and the gain or loss can be obtained from the income statement. 在上面的计算中,已售投资的账面价值可以从资产负债表中取得,收益或损失可以从损益表中取得。
"He served the public wholeheartedly, regardless of his personal gain or loss." 他从不考虑个人得失。“他全心全意为公众服务,从不计较个人得失。”
He ignored all questions of personal gain or loss, honour or disgrace. He simply gave no thought to himself. 毫无个人荣辱得失的考虑,真正达到了忘我的境界。
Gain or Loss on Sale of Plant Assets 厂房设备资产处置的收益或损失
We are independent in finance and responsible for its own financial gain or loss. 我们是独立核算的公司,各分厂有独立的财务。
When plant assets are sold, any gain or loss on the disposal is computed by comparing the book value with the amount received from the sale. 当固定资产被出售时,任何处置的损失或收益都是通过比较账面净值和出售所得金额计算出来的。
Because of leverage, the gain or loss may be greater than the initial margin deposit. 由于杠杆的原因,获利或亏损有可能高于投入的保证金。
Division of the gain or loss from sale of the business public debt as a% of export earnings 分配出售企业的损益公债占出口收益百分数
For the electron mediator, the researchers use organic molecules bound to cobalt atoms, which can switch between two states by the gain or loss of an electron. 对于电子介质,研究者们使用了钴原子,他可以在得到和失去电子两种状态之间转换。
We can neither recall those bad old dreams nor indulge in the past happy times, in addition, neither care for the gain or loss nor worry about the sun of tomorrow. 我们不能老留恋那些破碎的旧梦,更不能沉迷于往日的幸福光环,也不要去太计较人生的得失,不要担忧明天的天气会怎样。
Success or failure, gain or loss must therefore depend upon man's own exertions. 成或败,得或失,依靠于人们自己的努力。